What Is The Cost of Hair Transplant in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai?

Hair loss is a very common problem in India and more than one-third of men and women suffer from it. This is particularly severe in men with male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is genetic and most of these men need hair transplants sooner or later in their life. While exploring the options for their hair transplant most people look for an ‘affordable hair transplant surgery clinic.’ But are those so-called affordable clinics are really good and safe? What are the factors which determine the cost of a hair transplant? Let’s see some of them.

1. Size of Balding Area:

More severe the balding more the number of hair follicles required for a hair transplant. While simple hairline restoration needs around 1200 to 1500 follicles, severe balding of Norwood grade 5 or 6 requires more than 6000 follicles to cover that area with acceptable density. Most good clinics in Mumbai or India charge 25 to 50 Rs per graft. Certain clinics charge as per the grade of baldness irrespective of the number of grafts.

2. Donor Area:

The most limiting factor for a good and successful hair transplant is the availability of donor area. If the donor area is good, more follicular grafts will be available for transplant and so more balding areas can be covered. Another big advantage of a good donor area is that a better density can be achieved in a transplanted area with more number of available grafts. Some people have a very good density in their donor area and these are very good candidates for hair transplants. A good and experienced surgeon can do wonders for these candidates with high-density transplants.

3. Number of  Sessions:

In high-grade cases of baldness ( Norwood grade 4 to 6), Mega Hair Transplants( more than 400 grafts) are required. Most of these people require 2-3 sessions for their complete hair transplants. These sessions are planned either on successive days or after a gap of a few months after the previous session. In each treatment session typically 3000 to 3500 grafts are transplanted. At Restore Aesthetics & Hair clinic we have successfully done many Mega Hair Transplants (around 4000 or more follicular grafts) in a single day. Hundreds of our patients have achieved very good results after single mega-transplant sessions. The biggest advantages of such mega sessions are that they are cost-effective and save time. But in some patients, we prefer to split these transplants into multiple sessions. It varies from person to person. The cost of hair transplants which require multiple sessions or a mega-transplant is obviously more.

4. Experience of Hair Transplant Surgeon and Team:

The single most important factor for the success of a hair transplant is the experience of the Chief hair transplant surgeon and team. Hair transplant, being technically easy, is done by many unqualified persons. But this is dangerous. Only a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon knows how to perform the procedure safely and produce natural results. A good hair transplant is one that looks natural and transplanted hairs match the direction, angulations, and pattern of existing hairs. In severe baldness, limited numbers of grafts need to be distributed in such a fashion that the maximum bald area is covered with good and acceptable density. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure and it cannot be done repeatedly. So choosing a good hair transplant surgeon for you is very important. If you will only go to a cardiac surgeon for heart surgery then why not see a plastic surgeon for your hair transplant?

At Restore Aesthetics & Hair clinic we have successfully done hundreds of hair transplants over the last 8 years.  We have a special interest and expertise in mega hair transplants ( Norwood grade 4 to 6). The average cost of hair transplants at our clinic varies from 50,000 Rs to 1,20,000 Rs.

If you wish to know more or get a quote for your hair transplant contact us at – + 91 8850776818/ 8692099967 or log on. www.restoreclinics.in


Hair loss occurs in 20% women under 30 years of age and almost 60% women older than 70. Unlike in males, most of the time hair loss in women is secondary to some underlying conditions. In most of these conditions hair loss is reversible if proper identification of culprit and its treatment is done. While some hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause can cause transient hair loss which may not require any specific treatment, others like thyroid dysfunction, polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) require proper evaluation and treatment by endocrinologist. Telogen Effluvium is also a period of transient hair loss seen after some major illness like dengue, malaria. Also physical and emotional stress ,life style changes, change in environment can also result in transient period of hair loss .

Nutritional deficiencies are very common in Indian women. Ferritin is a protein which reflects the amount of iron stores in our body. Ferritin deficiency is a very common cause of hair fall in females. Biotin is a vitamin that plays role in hair growth. Biotin deficiency is known to cause hair loss.

In Alopecia Areata  there is patchy hair loss because of destruction of hair roots by body’s own defense system. Excessive shampooing, coloring & styling may damage the hairs causing them to break and fall out. Female Pattern Baldness is a genetic condition which is seen in women after middle age. Unlike much commoner male pattern baldness, hairline doesn’t recede back. Initially there is thinning of part line and gradually diffuse hair loss radiates from part line to all over the top of head.

Treatment Of Hair Loss In Women

  1. Eating a healthy, balanced diet. Focus on getting enough protein, iron, and other important nutrients. 
  2. Avoid tight braids, buns, ponytails, and other hairstyles that may pull at your hair. Avoid excessive shampoo and frequent hair colors.
  3. Nutritional Supplements-

Iron and biotin supplements are effective in treating hair loss when their deficiency is there.

4. Treatment of underlying  conditions

Evaluation and treatment of thyroid dysfunction, PCOD or any other underlying medical diseases can control hair loss.

5. Minoxidil-

Topical minoxidil spray in concentration of 2% or 5% is approved by FDA as a treatment for hair loss in females. It increases scalp blood supply and stimulates anagen (growth phase) of hair follicles. It is not a wonder drug and cannot restore the full density of hair. The effect is seen after 3 to 4 months of use and for proper result it has to be used for 9 to 12 months.

6. Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP)-

PRP is obtained from patient’s own blood after processing it in an automated centrifuge. It is injected in the areas of hair loss. The various growth factors present in PRP stimulate hair growth and increase their thickness. Also by increasing blood supply in that area they create overall favorable atmosphere for hair growth.

7. Hair Transplant-

Hair transplant procedure involves taking healthy loss resistant hair from donor area of scalp and carefully transplanting them into balding areas. The donor area is usually at back and sides of head where hairs are naturally resistant to loss especially in hereditary female pattern hair loss. These transplanted hairs continue to grow naturally. The hair transplant is sometimes the only solution in sever balding especially in female pattern hair loss.

Advantages of Hair Transplant

  • It is a simple procedure under local anesthesia.
  • It gives natural look.
  • Uses your own hairs so there is no chance of allergic reactions.
  • Transplanted hairs grow naturally and you can cut, color and shampoo them normally.
  • It really restores your confidence and boosts your self esteem.

Cost of Hair Transplant In Mumbai and Navi Mumbai – What Factors Determine the Cost of Hair Transplant?

Are you worried of your hair fall and feeling low in your self esteem because of increasing baldness? Naturally everyone wants head full of hair which makes person confident with positive outlook towards life. Hair transplant is the most popular cosmetic surgery in men in India and the cost of hair transplant is a very important consideration factor in mind of a person looking for hair transplant. But the cost of hair transplant in Mumbai or any other city in India is different in different clinics. There are many factors which affect the cost of hair transplants. Some of them are-

Baldness Area

More the area of baldness more the number of grafts required and so the cost of transplant increases. Some surgeons charge per graft cost which is between 20 to 100 Rs per grafts in good hair transplant clinics in India. Others charge depending upon the grade of baldness. More sever the grade; more the number of grafts will be required and hence more will be the charges.

The Number of Sessions Required

In high grade baldness, with need for more than 4000 grafts, multiple sessions are required. These sessions are generally planned on two consecutive days. On first day 2500 to 3500 grafts are transplanted and remaining are transplanted on next day. Sometimes second session is planned few months after first sessions. The cost of hair transplant goes up if more sessions are required.

The Technique of Hair Transplant

 Nowadays FUE technique is preferred method for hair transplant. At Restore Aesthetic clinic also we prefer FUE over FUT as it is technically simpler and less demanding for both patient and doctor. But some patients with much compromised donor area are more suitable for FUT or ‘Strip method’. Also in certain group of patients with very high grade balding, who require ‘Megatransplants’ (requirement of more than 4000 grafts), we sometimes combine both FUT and FUE. The cost of FUT in single or in combination with FUE is higher as it requires more expertise on the part surgeon and his team. Also this combination procedure is lengthy, more time consuming and labour intense.

The Experience of Hair Transplant Surgeon

Naturally the results of an experienced and well qualified transplant surgeon cannot be matched by others. Hair transplant is a skilled job and every individual is different. So only the experienced hair transplant surgeon can produce a natural looking result. The cost of transplant done by such surgeon will obviously be higher than others.

The Quality of Hair Transplant Clinic

A good quality clinic maintains very good standard of operating protocols like cleanliness, hygiene, sterility and quality of medicines. Also hair transplant is a team work. Only a team of well experienced and dedicated technicians under the guidance of an expert hair transplant surgeon can produce good results. As it is true with other medical fields, in hair transplant also patient safety is utmost important. This comes at higher cost in any standard and good quality clinic.

To know more about hair transplant and hair transplant cost in Mumbai/Navi Mumbai, India log on  :-www.restoreclinics.in. To book an appointment – call/WhatsApp : +91 8692099967

Labiaplasty (Vaginal Rejuvenation) In Mumbai/ Navi Mumbai

Many women have big and overhanging labia minora, I.e. inner lips of vagina. The cause of this labial hypertrophy or enlargement is not known. Few women are born with oversized labial lips while others develop this condition after puberty, childbirth or during old ages. Some women with condition suffer from low self esteem or awkwardness during physical intimacy while others may feel pain or discomfort due to twisting or tugging of labia during exercise, bike riding or sexual intercourse.

Labiaplasty is the surgical procedure which reduces the size of labia minora. It is very common Cosmetic gynecological procedure and increasingly becoming the most common procedure of Cosmetic gynecology in India.

Labiaplasty procedure takes around 45 minutes to 1 hour. It is done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. In labiaplasty, labia minora lips are trimmed and shortened. The remaining portion is reshaped in aesthetic way. It will also correct any asymmetry if one labia is bigger than another.

After labiaplasty there will be some swelling and pain. Surgeons advise routine pain killers and icing with cold packs. You are generally advised to take one week leave from your work. Sexual intercourse can be started after 6 weeks.

Complications after labiaplasty are like any other surgery- infection, bleeding, blood collection , overtrimming and pain during intercourse. But they are less frequent if it is done by an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon.

The cost of Labiappasty varies from place to place and depends upon experience of operating surgeon, type of facility, and city.

To know the cost of labiaplasty (Vaginal rejuvenation) in Mumbai  or Navi Mumbai, India and to know the details of various cosmetic gynecology procedures- contact -+91 8692099967or log on: http://www.restoreclinics.in

Image courtsey-www.freepik.com

Hair Transplant in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, India – What Factors Determine Hair Transplant a success?

Hair transplant gives you the ultimate and permanent solution of baldness. The result of hair transplant looks natural and risk involved is minimal. Maintenance after hair transplant is also not very expensive. But the most crucial factor that creates doubt in mind of potential hair transplant candidate is-whether my transplant story will be a success or failure?

There are many factors which play crucial roles in ultimate result after hair transplant. They are-

  1. Choosing a Right Doctor-

Without saying this is the most important factor in success rate of hair transplant. Like in any field of medicine, a well qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon will definitely give much better result. Every case of baldness is different and so experience of surgeon plays a huge role. An unqualified doctor will also have unqualified team which may not only spoil your hair transplant but also create some unwanted complications.

2. Diagnosing the Cause of Hair Loss Correctly

In about 90% men the cause of baldness is male pattern hair loss. In this condition, hair are lost under the influence of male hormones. The hairs on the back side of our head are generally not affected by these male hormones. So they are called permanent hair. These hair, when transplanted in balding areas, will grow naturally. But in other conditions of hair loss in men, all hair are equally affected and there is no permanent zone. So if these hair follicles are transplanted, they will either not grow or fall off shortly. Also some individuals with male pattern hair loss also have other associate conditions like thyroid problems, alopecia areata, psoriasis or they are taking some medications like steroids which also contribute in their hair loss. These are not good candidates for hair transplant unless these associated problems are treated or brought under control.

3. Proper Donor Area Assessment

A qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon will always assess donor area carefully. It is paramount important to see that there is no thinning in donor area and it is not affected by andogenic alopecia  (male pattern baldness). If thinning is observed in donor area, it means hair from donor area are also affected by hormones and they can be lost after hair transplant. So the result of transplant will unlikely to be long lasting.

4. Donor and Recipient Area Mismatch

The most limiting factor in hair transplant is the availability of adequate number of hair follicles in donor area. If expected numbers of grafts are not available in donor area, then during transplant one has to compromise on either density or area covered with transplant. In both these cases ultimate result will be suboptimal. One should always be realistic with his expectation and should discuss with transplant surgeon about the donor area availability and possible area covered with good density. There is nothing like ‘unlimited numbers of grafts’ as available grafts in any individual’s donor area is logically limited.

5. Choosing Proper Technique

There are basically two techniques of hair transplant-FUT, also known as ‘strip method’ and FUE. All over the world some surgeons prefer FUT while some prefer FUE. FUE is technically simple and less demanding for surgeon as well as for patient. As Restore Aesthetic clinic we also prefer FUE over FUT whenever possible. But it is not always correct. A good hair transplant surgeon should be well trained in both FUE & FUT. Not one technique is suitable for all patients. One has to consider area of balding, number of grafts required, adequacy of donor area, person’s age and likely future balding, pattern of balding in family etc before deciding proper hair transplant method.

6. Keeping Regular Follow Up with Your Surgeon

Success of hair transplant needs a lot of commitment from patient side. After the procedure one must follow all post procedure instructions strictly. Take all medications advised by your surgeon regularly. Visit your surgeon as per schedule so he can keep vigil on progress.

If you are still doubtful about the success of hair transplant, you can log on www.restoreclinics.in or book consultation by calling us/WhatsAPP us on-+91 8692099967.

Image courtsey- http://www.freepik.com

Your Guide to Breast Reduction Surgery

Many women have abnormally large breasts. Though they have thoughts of breast reduction surgery on their mind, they are either scared of undergoing surgery or doubtful of its benefits. So they find it difficult to make up their mind for breast reduction surgery. In this blog we will try to answer common questions which arise in minds of women considering breast reduction surgery and alleviate their apprehension about it.

Am I A Candidate For Breast Reduction Surgery?

Candidates for breast reduction surgery are the women who have unnaturally large breasts and suffer from-

  1. Backache
  2. Shoulder pain
  3. Rashes under the breasts
  4. Limitation in physical activity
  5. Difficulty in wearing clothes of their choice
  6. Low body image

If you have problem of excessively sagging breasts but their size and volume is normal then you require ‘Breast Lift’ also called ‘Mastopexy’. This procedure will lift up your sagging breasts to normal youthful position without any reduction in their volume.

What Are The Benifits of Breast Reduction Surgery?

  1. Breasts look more firm & proportionate to your body & texture.
  2. Improvement in posture.
  3. Relief from difficulty in breathing.
  4. Relief from back, shoulder & neck pain.
  5. Enjoy better fitting clothes.
  6. No difficulty in wearing undergarments & swimwear.
  7. Increase ability to move freely and exercise
  8. Ability to participate in sporting activities
  9. Boosts your self image & confidence.

What Is Done In Breast Reduction Surgery?

In breast reduction surgery excess skin, breast tissue and fat are removed from breasts in various amount based on the size of the breast you desire. If breasts are asymmetrical, more tissue may be removed from one breast than the other. Then the remaining skin, fat & breast tissue are rearranged and reshaped to create a more youthful breast shape. Also the nipple-areola complex may be shifted to a higher position to uplift the sagging breast.

How Painful The Breast Reduction Surgery Will Be?

Breast reduction surgery is done under General anesthesia. Once a needle cannula is inserted into your hand veins, entire procedure will be smooth and pain free. Even post procedure pain is mostly well tolerated and can easily be controlled with routine painkillers.

What Will The Breast Reduction Surgery Scars Be Like?

The scars will vary according to type of incision. Most scars are concealed in natural breast contours, but some will be visible on the breast surface. In initial period scars will be red but they will fade and significantly improve over time. A good plastic surgeon will make every possible effort to hide and minimize scars, with the goal of achieving the desired results with the shortest possible scar.

How Will The Recovery After Reduction Surgery Be Like?

Most individuals after breast reduction surgery are allowed to go home next day. Rest is advised for one week. One can start her day to day activity after first few days and resume her job after7 to 10 days depending upon individual comfort level. Some swelling & bruises may be observed on operated area which will completely resolve in 4-6 weeks.

Whom Should I Consult For My Breast Reduction Surgery?

One should consult a board certified plastic surgeon, who has special interest in cosmetic breast surgery.  Have a detail discussion about your concerns, type of procedure, amount of reduction, your expectations and recovery with your surgeon and take a proper & well informed decision.

If you still have some doubts in your mind feel free to contact us –Breast reduction surgery in Mumbai/ Navi Mumbai, India . +91 8692099967


  1. Not a Weight Loss Surgery

A common misconception is that liposuction is done to reduce body weight. Liposuction is actually a body sculpting procedure. It removes diet and exercise resistant fat from different body areas and improves contours of the body. It is thus a body reshaping procedure. Though there is some weight loss, one cannot expect a major weight reduction after liposuction.

2. The Ideal Candidate For Liposuction

The ideal candidates for liposuction have overall normal general health with average or slightly above average body weight. They have good skin tone with localized centers of fat accumulation in certain body parts like tummy, thigh, back and arms.

3. It Is Not a Substitute for Diet and Exercise

Liposuction is not a substitute for diet and exercise. Ideally the fat, which is resistant to diet and exercise, is targeted and removed by liposuction. One must follow a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise and diet to maintain the result of liposuction for a long period.

4. The Final Result after Liposuction Will Take Some Time

Though you will see result after liposuction immediately, the final result will take few weeks to few months. Initially there will be some swelling and hardness in area which will eventually resolve. The skin will contract and redrapes over the areas from which fat has been removed.

5. Recovery after Liposuction

After liposuction there might be some soreness and discomfort which can be easily controlled with painkillers. There will be some bruises and swelling which resolve in few days. After liposuction one can start day to day activity in 2 to 3 days and can usually join their work back after a week. Gyming & exercise can be resumed after 3 to 4 weeks or even earlier if you are comfortable with it.

6. Other Body Contouring Procedures Can Be Combined with Liposuction

Liposuction can be combined with other body contouring procedures like tummy tuck, thigh tuck, body lifts etc. Nowadays fat grafting procedure is increasingly becoming popular. In this, the fat removed via liposuction is transferred to other areas to enhance the shape and contours of these areas. Brazillan Butt lift, Breast augmentation are some of the highly popular fat grafting procedures.

7. Preparing for Liposuction

You must consult a board certified plastic surgeon for your liposuction procedure. The key for good outcome after procedure is your communication with your surgeon about your expectations and the realistic result which your surgeon can deliver. Discuss with your surgeon about the pre-surgery investigations, likely complications of the procedure and post procedure follow up schedule & after care.

8. Is It Safe?

Liposuction is a very safe procedure and chances of complications are rare. But you must discuss with your plastic surgeon about the possible complications which can occur during or after the procedure. As in any cosmetic procedure you must take a sound, informed decision only after knowing the pros and cons of the concerned procedure.

A Guide to Treatment of Double Chin – What You Should Know

Excessive fat deposition under chin and in neck gives appearance of bulky chin, commonly known as, ‘double chin’. This is a very common aesthetic concern in many men and women. Aging, hereditary, weight gain or certain lifestyle factors cause accumulation of excess fat under chin and in neck. Fat deposition is either a part of generalized obesity or only specific to neck and chin. There are various treatment modalities to deal with this condition and their selection depends upon if person has only excess fat or both fat and skin as well as his/her preference for surgical or non- surgical treatment.

  1. Chin Liposuction-

This is the most popular and definitive method to tackle the problem of ‘double chin’. Liposuction is minimally invasive surgical procedure which predominantly removes excess fat from chin and neck area. It also creates a well defined jaw line. It can be done under local or general anesthesia. Downtime is 3 to 4 days. Biggest advantages of liposuction are  a very good result is achieved in single treatment and result is seen immediately.

  • Neck Lift-

When there is loose skin under chin and in neck which gives ‘turtle neck’ appearance, it can be better dealt by neck lift. This procedure removes excessive skin. It can also be combined with neck liposuction to remove excess fat. A single treatment can achieve a long lasting result.

  • Mesotherapy/ Kybella-

This is an injection treatment. It involves multiple injections of deoxycholic acid, which breaks down fat cells and destroyed them. Multiple injections ( 20 or more) are required in each treatment. Generally six or more treatments are required with at least four weeks interval in between two treatments. It is a good option when there is minimum to moderate amount of fat under chin with no loose skin.

  • Cryolipolysis-

Also known as ‘Cool Sculpting’. This option consists of application of freezing temperature to fat cells via a hand piece placed on skin. This temperature destroys fat cells by damaging their membrane. This fat is then metabolized in body. The result is not seen immediately but takes around two to three months. Multiple treatments may be required. The ideal candidate for this treatment is the one with minimum to moderate amount of fat in neck with no loose skin.

  • Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening-

This is another nonsurgical method in which radiofrequency (RF) energy is applied via a probe placed over skin. This RF energy causes collagen remodeling and tightening of loose skin. Some associated fat loss may also be seen. This is a suitable treatment modality for candidates who have loose extra skin under chin and neck is the main concern with minimum amount of fat. Typically multiple treatments are required with four to six weeks interval in between two treatments. The result is not seen immediately and takes 2 to 3 weeks


Tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure which removes excess skin and fat from middle and lower portion of abdomen. It also tightens the loose abdominal muscles. It thus help you achieve a flat, well toned abdomen and a slimmer waistline. There are many myths and misconceptions about this procedure. Some of these myths and their correct explanations are –


There is a popular belief that tummy tuck is done to reduce weight. Though tummy tuck, with or without liposuction, removes a lot of fat cells   from abdomen, weight loss is moderate. The goal of tummy tuck is reduce size of tummy and waistline, so called-‘inches loss’. This encourages you to kick start a healthy life style. After tummy tuck, a regular exercise program and well rounded diet will help you to achieve weight loss and your fitness goal. If somebody is very obese and goal is significant weight loss, then option is bariatric surgery first followed by tummy tuck with or without other body contouring procedures, once significant weight loss is achieved and you want to get rid of loose, sagging skin over abdomen.


Liposuction removes diet and exercise resistant fat over the abdomen. It doesn’t correct the problem of loose skin. Though there will be some skin contraction after liposuction, it is minimal. So if someone has the problem of excessive skin over abdomen, like with somebody after pregnancy or massive weight loss, then tummy tuck is far better option than liposuction.


Though many nonsurgical options for tummy tuck, like laser, cryo, RF, coolsculpt etc, are available, significant fat loss and tightening of excess skin can be best tackled with surgical tummy tuck.


Tummy tuck surgery generally requires hospitalization for 1 to 3 days depending upon type of surgery. Most candidates can start their day to day work after a week and can join their work back in 3 to 4 weeks. During this time they are advised to wear pressure garment and abdominal binder.


Incision of tummy tuck surgery is strategically placed in crease above your pubic bone. An expert plastic surgeon takes utmost precautions to give minimal scar. The final scar of tummy tuck surgery depends upon type of tummy tuck, but in most cases, the scar is well hidden in undergarments.


Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure so some pain is bound to be there in post surgical period. But in most of the patients pain is well controlled with painkillers. In fact many patients surprisingly tell that their pain was less than what they expected. Finally post procedure pain depends upon your pain tolerance.

Breast Augmentation- Will It Give You The Cleavage You Desire For?

Many women, who choose for breast augmentation, desire to achieve a good cleavage. Cleavage is the space between two breasts. For these women it is esthetically very important feature of a good breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is not specifically designed to give you a good cleavage and not every woman will get a good cleavage after their breast augmentation. It depends upon several factors-

  1. Natural Anatomy of Breasts-

In some women both breasts are close together. These women naturally have a good cleavage which accentuates very well after breast augmentation. While in other women breasts are widely spaced and breast bone is prominent. In these women cleavage is less prominent even after breast augmentation.

Women with more breast tissue naturally have more fullness on upper and inner parts of breasts and so get a well defined, deep cleavage after breast augmentation while women with small breasts with less tissue tend to get a less prominent cleavage.

  • Implant Size & Profile-

Many women think that larger the implant size, better the cleavage. It is true that large volume of implant will fill the breast tissue more and achieve more upper and inner side fullness. So cleavage will be deeper. Also another important factor is implant projection. For same volume, implant can have low, moderate, high or extra high profile. Extra high profile implant will have more projection and so more will be the cleavage. One has to choose appropriate size and projection of the implant to achieve desired result. A small woman with broader chest will require an implant with larger diameter but lesser projection. It is not advisable to place a very large implant to achieve cleavage because the result will look unnatural and also it is associated with more complications like implant visibility and breast ptosis.

  • Implant Pocket-

Implant is placed either under the breast tissue ( subglandular) or under the pectoralis muscle ( submuscular). Subglandular placement of implant will give more natural look and better defined cleavage but implant edges will be visible in very thin woman. Submuscular placement of implant will give much better upper border fullness but pectoralis muscles prevent implant placement on more medial aspect (towards midline). Also if implant placement more towards midline of chest naturally will give better definition to cleavage but this is not always possible. Because if implants are placed more towards midline, nipples will be not be in central position and also there is a chance of symmastia( both breasts touch each other). Both these conditions will produce very unacceptable results and compromise the naturality of breast augmentation.

So summary is, though cleavage is aesthetically very important feature of good breast augmentation, not every woman will automatically achieve good cleavage after breast augmentation. It depends upon several factors like appropriate technique, implant size, specific implant pocket and anatomy of breasts.

It is always advisable to have a good discussion with your board certified  cosmetic surgeon about your expectations and the best result which can be achieved.

Dr. Ashish Sangvikar


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